Antwerp, city, Flanders region, Belgium, is one of the world’s major seaports. It gained fame as a center of the diamond industry and for its legacy of fine arts.

The unique flavor of Antwerp is derived from the combination of, and tensions between, the diverse aspects of its personality: a passionate commitment to commerce goes hand in hand with an abiding interest in the life of ideas and the arts; respect and affection for the past are juxtaposed with a fervent desire to participate fully in the present and the future; and awareness of being a truly European and cosmopolitan city, with a resulting openness and broad curiosity, coexists with a sense of tradition and of idiosyncratic particularity, which lend an almost provincial charm to life in the city. In its center, a lively social activity is conducted on the streets and in the countless cafés. The Schelde is the veritable heart and soul of Antwerp, the raison d’être not only of Antwerp’s dynamic economic life but also of its sense of identity and the deep attachment—touchingly expressed in many literary works—that Antwerpians tend to feel for their city.


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