When we heard that worldwide 1 in 8 women would be diagnosed with breast cancer one day, we realized that we had to do something to help!
We decided to use Pink Duck Race to spread awareness and information about this disease. We are eager to do this together with you, and we need your help!
To support @thinkpinkbelgium, you can adopt us at our website https://pinkduckrace.com/belgium-antwerp-2023-en/
We are ready to race again! We will swim as fast as we can! We promise! It is important to all of us!
So, please adopt us online and help us fight breast cancer! We can’t do this alone…”
After adopting Pink Ducks for 5 euros each (online payment or with a voucher), you will receive your unique number(s) by email. This is your ticket for the race. The owner of the fastest adopted Pink Duck wins an exclusive Golden Duck set with diamonds (values 5.000 euros).
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