- This tombola (Pink Duck Race) is organized by non-profit organization Think Pink Europe, based in Brussels, Belgium.
- Everyone can participate by adopting one or more Pink Ducks through an online purchase on the webshop of www.thinkpinkeurope.org or by purchasing vouchers with payment via an invoice from Think Pink Europe.
- A total of 20,000 Pink Ducks with a unique number are available.
- Date and time can be changed by the organization. All participants will be notified at least 48 hours in advance.
- The competition from which the winning ticket will be made consists of randomly launching all participating ducks with a unique number.
- The winner will be the owner of the first adopted Pink Duck to cross the finish line and will be announced via the Think Pink Europe and Pink Duck Race website and social media.
- The first prize is a unique gold jewel set with diamonds, to be collected by appointment within 3 months after the competition, at the administrative office of Think Pink Europe, Ter Zwaanhoek 34, 8400 Ostend, Belgium.
In agreement between the winner and the organization, other arrangements can be made, such as shipping. If the prize is not collected within 3 months after the competition and announcement, it automatically becomes the property of the non-profit organization Think Pink Europe. - By adopting a Pink Duck you agree to the rules of this competition.
- All correspondence regarding the rules of this competition must be addressed to the non-profit association Think Pink Europe, Ter Zwaanhoek 34, 8400 Oostende, Belgium. Or by e-mail to jurgen.vanpraet@
thinkpinkeurope.org. - There is no appeal against the decisions of the organization that will decide completely autonomously.